Saturday, October 22, 2011


The end of over eating: The summary of the passage basically talks about how its bad to overeat. They talk about the history in which people do over eat because they get costumed to the fat food that we eat today and millions of people world wide do not care about their health just ON whether the food tastes good or not. Based on the economy people eat all the time, they eat when they are hungry, they eat when they are not hungry, people eat when they are sad, and they eat when they celebrate which adds up to millions of people obeast because they are not watching what ingredients are in the food they are consuming. Many people that eat because of pain eats alot and don't realize their eating out of  control and don't want to be told that they are eating too much. They are very much in denial of how many food they should be eating per day. Many Americans gain weight mostly because they don't care about their bodies and being spoiled by alot of junk foods that are in  store and being televised.  Also drugs can also make you gain weight because of the chemicals that are in there. 

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