Monday, December 5, 2011

Species-specific welfare provisions while the EU is animal welfare policy

Some of the crulest practices are gestation crates, veal crates, battery cages. They reduce the number of animals that can be handled, inspected, and cared for daily. The two welfare directives are reducing confinement, and eliminating and reducing painfu; reducers like tail docking, and early weaning. The birds were deprived of food, water, and light because they banned the beak clipping and the burning of chickens. directives established stocking denisty rates for broiler chickens.
In 2008 the EU proposed a regulation developed with input from a variety of stake holders that increases responsibility for animal welfare by directing operators to recognize physical comfort and prevent injury, disease, pain, aggression, lack of feed or water, and adverse interaction. It also regulates killing methods and worker competency by requiring that personnel handling and or slaughtering animals must possess a certificate of cometence.

1 comment:

  1. There are different kinds of bird cages, from dome tops to play tops and parrot perches. If you have never owned a bird before, you will probably be taken aback by the sheer number of cage types as well as Bird Cage Suppliers being sold in the market today.
