- Increasing the percentage of americans who are vegetarian or vegan
- Encouraging non vegetarians to reduce their consumptions of meat dairy products and eggs
- Diminishing the suffering of farmed animals
- The animals could be cared for throughout their entire lifespan.
- Talk about what happens in the slaughterhouses to the animals. The horror of how they kill the animals.
- Make children choose whats right to eat by subjecting the to the animals being tortured.
- Stripping away 3 of the animals agriculture most important assessts.
- Talk about how animals benefit from school lunch programs, grazing subsidies and the US department of agriculture USDA nutrition guidelines.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Different approaches toward animal protection
Monday, December 5, 2011
Species-specific welfare provisions while the EU is animal welfare policy
Some of the crulest practices are gestation crates, veal crates, battery cages. They reduce the number of animals that can be handled, inspected, and cared for daily. The two welfare directives are reducing confinement, and eliminating and reducing painfu; reducers like tail docking, and early weaning. The birds were deprived of food, water, and light because they banned the beak clipping and the burning of chickens. directives established stocking denisty rates for broiler chickens.
In 2008 the EU proposed a regulation developed with input from a variety of stake holders that increases responsibility for animal welfare by directing operators to recognize physical comfort and prevent injury, disease, pain, aggression, lack of feed or water, and adverse interaction. It also regulates killing methods and worker competency by requiring that personnel handling and or slaughtering animals must possess a certificate of cometence.
In 2008 the EU proposed a regulation developed with input from a variety of stake holders that increases responsibility for animal welfare by directing operators to recognize physical comfort and prevent injury, disease, pain, aggression, lack of feed or water, and adverse interaction. It also regulates killing methods and worker competency by requiring that personnel handling and or slaughtering animals must possess a certificate of cometence.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
My Bibliography for the 2nd essay for english 101
"What does the future hold if we continue to dismantle the only planet we live on and persecute the other animal beings with whom we are supposed to coexist:"?
Key Words:
Animal behavior
Animal physcology
Emotions in animal
Cognition in animals
Animal life cycle
Animal sentience
Cognitive Ethology
"What does the future hold if we continue to dismantle the only planet we live on and persecute the other animal beings with whom we are supposed to coexist:"?
Key Words:
Animal behavior
Animal physcology
Emotions in animal
Cognition in animals
Animal life cycle
Animal sentience
Cognitive Ethology
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
new ideas for essay 3
In 1997 under pressure form advances for wildlife. The federal government gave the ADC both a new name wildlife service and a new motto. living with wildlife. To protect livestock from predators, an estiamted 100,000 coyotes, bobcats,bears, wolves, and mountain loins are killed each year by the USDA's wildlife service.
Monday, October 31, 2011
The video we saw on THURSDAY
The video is mainly about the animals being brutally killed. They are slammed to the floor head floor the little piglets that are just born in the slaughter houses. The animals that are very sick and that are not growing fast enough are just killed. Cows that are just being borne gets dragged away from their mothers and are sent to be slaughtered for their meet. they chop off the pigs testicles and they cut in their skins while they are still alive causing them to die slowly. pigs are shot in the head with a steel rod and are hanged for their meet. Pigs get their throat slit while they are fully suffering for their lives.The message is to become a vegan and end animal cruelty.
Review for MIDTERM
In the book fast food nation many of the factory owners and the workers do not care about the chickens well being- The workers torture the chickens and they kill the chickens in the most horrific way because their mad, their being abused as well or they feel joy in killing the chickens anyway because they are having a bad day. Many of the fast food owners do not care about the customers and only their money. The system that we live in today is very corrupt. They are very greedy and because they have alot of power America basically have no place for the poor only the rich and successful that have things they want.
Assembly line
Diskilled workers
Artificial coloring
Animal care certified
J. Holmen Mompher
AD Anderson
The urge for high starched food
Sugars, fatty, salt
Food already in system
Like in dsuge
More available
Pleasure system
Hyper Calertoral
In dependency
Assembly line
Diskilled workers
Artificial coloring
Animal care certified
J. Holmen Mompher
AD Anderson
The urge for high starched food
Sugars, fatty, salt
Food already in system
Like in dsuge
More available
Pleasure system
Hyper Calertoral
In dependency
Saturday, October 22, 2011
The end of over eating: The summary of the passage basically talks about how its bad to overeat. They talk about the history in which people do over eat because they get costumed to the fat food that we eat today and millions of people world wide do not care about their health just ON whether the food tastes good or not. Based on the economy people eat all the time, they eat when they are hungry, they eat when they are not hungry, people eat when they are sad, and they eat when they celebrate which adds up to millions of people obeast because they are not watching what ingredients are in the food they are consuming. Many people that eat because of pain eats alot and don't realize their eating out of control and don't want to be told that they are eating too much. They are very much in denial of how many food they should be eating per day. Many Americans gain weight mostly because they don't care about their bodies and being spoiled by alot of junk foods that are in store and being televised. Also drugs can also make you gain weight because of the chemicals that are in there.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Blog 2: Explaining contridictions
In this particular topic I am going to talk about how a contridiction helps you signify the difference between two valid arguments that create one argument that isnt neccesarily true. In the book Fast food nation on page 149 the companies controdict the workers buy not giving them the proper care and treatment for all the hard work they do in the slaughter house.The workers kill the chickens.The workers Makes sure that everything is done on record time, and they always do their job well. They dont get enough credit for the work that they do. That's not fair at all and thats an important controdict to analyze. On page 149 on fast food nation the poverty, the crime rate have increased,they have drug abusers, and homelessness because the companies simply care about themselves and nobody else. the slaughter houses would often be closed because of the crimes and the abuses the immigrants would get. Also, if the slaughter houses are in bad condition the companies wouldnt care because they would mostly want to spend the money on themselves and not the bad condition the slaughter houses are in.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Dionne's Blog: Fast food nation
Dionne's Blog: Fast food nation: Dionne miller 9/13/11 The workers and the product...
Dionne's Blog: The starting on a new journey to sucess ( college ...
Dionne's Blog: The starting on a new journey to sucess ( college ...: I start classes very early so therefore i get very tired in the morning. I am doing very wll so far. I hope.
Fast food nation
Dionne miller 9/13/11
workers and the production company have a very poor relationship. The
workers get treated very badly. Mainly because their Immigrants and
woman. For example, male workers who think less of their abilities
because they are females sexually harass workers work long hours for
less pay and females. Workers also get verbally abused and physically
abused by other workers that think their better than them. The food
corporate is sometimes very unfair towards woman because they give high
paying jobs and become sexist to woman because they think woman can’t
handle the job whether the job is more tough or not. Even though woman
could do anything a man could do only better.
Larger food companies
have unfair pay. Therefore, makes it hard for their employees to have
any type of good relationship with their workers. Sometimes immigrants
can work for a week’s works and an American citizen employee works for
less than a week and the American citizen would get paid that week with
an advance while the other employee gets paid the following week because
of their historical background and gets judged for it, which is wrong.
Woman also gets lower pay than a man because of the different race. In
the Eric schlosser interview Eric mainly stated that the problem with
the society today is the exploitation of immigrants who are treated like
second class citizens and it goes back to their society and we should
treat each other with the same amount of respect everyone deserve. Many
of the workers spend most of their time being very receptive of the
company when all the companies do is mostly criticize them about their
working ethics and make them feel bad about being an immigrant mainly
blaming their ancestors.
According to Eric Schlosser the main goal of many food production is to target working mothers because they don't care about the health of the customers but how they can make their own company better by risking the health of many children. The interview mainly states how many of the managers would make their money based lying to their customers and the famously immigrant labor. The fast food production based their fortune on misleading others to think that they care about them and more people come in to buy more and more food from them. The difference between the food production and the workers is that most of the workers is that the workers do as their told and the food company get their fortune from our beliefs in that they care about us and want to give us food to eat that are very healthy and good for us. While the food production just want to make a quick buck off us not knowing the wealth of our being. Many of this cruelty towards their customers being in the early 19 century with Walt Disney stating that we live in a dog eat dog world and they do not care about our health and if we die or not. So as a result of this uncertain fairness many food production companies did not care about us or our natural well being. Just cared about getting their money and nothing else.
According to Eric Schlosser the main goal of many food production is to target working mothers because they don't care about the health of the customers but how they can make their own company better by risking the health of many children. The interview mainly states how many of the managers would make their money based lying to their customers and the famously immigrant labor. The fast food production based their fortune on misleading others to think that they care about them and more people come in to buy more and more food from them. The difference between the food production and the workers is that most of the workers is that the workers do as their told and the food company get their fortune from our beliefs in that they care about us and want to give us food to eat that are very healthy and good for us. While the food production just want to make a quick buck off us not knowing the wealth of our being. Many of this cruelty towards their customers being in the early 19 century with Walt Disney stating that we live in a dog eat dog world and they do not care about our health and if we die or not. So as a result of this uncertain fairness many food production companies did not care about us or our natural well being. Just cared about getting their money and nothing else.
These are the
difference between the food production companies and their workers that
they treat unfairly too just to make money. Many Fast food workers
really enjoy the freedom and the independence of being employed but not
when the companies take advantage of them. During the farmer corporation
interview workers such as Vince Edwards, Tyson Grower, Carole Morrison
doesn’t like the work of the food industry companies because they
torture poor animals and have bad working conditions for the employees
and not treating them with the respect and acknowledgement they deserve.
Immigrants work in the factory as working labors. Workers are sometimes
forced into the business or have no choice but to do it because they
need to feed their families. So in this cruel work of act we can see
that the workers and the companies don’t have a good relationship but a
strictly aggressive relationship because the workers have no choice and
is forced to do what their told even if it means risking peoples health
or their lives.
conclusion, the fast food workers and the production company have a
poor relationship because the food companies are corrupt and should be
stop because their making innocent people die because of their poor
cooked food and their lack of care for their customers. Also, making
their employees do hard labor because they simply don’t care for no one
but themselves.
Monday, September 19, 2011
The starting on a new journey to sucess ( college lyfe)
I start classes very early so therefore i get very tired in the morning. I am doing very wll so far. I hope.
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